For 2024, our conference is returning to its roots with an open theme at Cardiff University! We are welcoming proposals for 20-minute papers (or 3-paper panels) on any topic relevant to the interdisciplinary field of martial arts studies. Come, present your work and meet other scholars from the community.

The deadline to submit a proposal is February 1, 2024.

The conference dates are June 4th through the 6th at Cardiff University.

To submit an abstract, follow the guidelines for submission and submit here.

To give your proposal the best chance of being accepted, please ensure that you are clear on how your paper will contribute to current debates in martial arts studies and which relevant literature and/or methodologies it engages with or develops.

The price of conference registration covers everything except your accommodation. That is: breakfast, refreshments, lunch, attendance at all academic elements of the conference, drinks receptions, and conference dinners! The conference begins on the afternoon/evening of 4th June and concludes on the evening of 6th June. See below for prices and further information.

Watch a short video about the conference location, venue, prices, etc. here.

I look forward to seeing everyone back in Cardiff this summer!