
Kung Fu Tea

Martial Arts History, Wing Chun and Chinese Martial Studies.


book review

Hong Kong Martial Artists – A Review

Hong Kong Martial Artists, 2021, by Daniel Amos (Rowman&Littlefield). Daniel Miles Amos. 2021. Hong Kong Martial Artists: Sociocultural Change from World War II to 2020. Rowman & Littlefield.  230 pages. $115 HC/$38 Kindle Some years ago, one of my younger brothers married... Continue Reading →

Sugong: Nick Hurst Explores South East Asia’s Shaolin Kung Fu Tradition.

Nick Hust.  Sugong: The Life of a Shaolin Grandmaster. Sports Books. 2012. pp. 291. Introduction: Summer Reading for Chinese Martial Artists It is that time of year again.  It is the season when literally everyone I know packs a bag,... Continue Reading →

From the Archives: A Really Short Reading List on Chinese Martial Studies

Introduction Ok, here is a fun post that I originally wrote in 2012 that really needs to be updated.  So many new articles and books have come out in the last eight years (including ones written by myself) that I... Continue Reading →

Book Review: Deconstructing Martial Arts

Paul Bowman. 2019. Deconstructing the Martial Arts. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press. 165 pages.  Free to Download.     Introduction Summer is typically the time when scholars get caught up on their reading. Yet judging from the pile of books, manuscripts, dissertations... Continue Reading →

Book Review: The Martial Arts Studies Reader, by Qays Stetkevych

    Greetings! I am still traveling for a conference on Chinese History.  Unsurprisingly my paper is an attempt to introduce a new group of scholars to the joys of Martial Arts Studies.  Speaking of which, have you ordered a... Continue Reading →

Politics and Identity in Chinese Martial Arts – An Essential Overview

  Lu Zhouxiang. 2018. Politics and Identity in Chinese Martial Arts. New York and London: Routledge. 232 pages. $140/$45 USD (Hardcover/Digital).   Perhaps the clearest testament to the growing enthusiasm for Martial Arts Studies is the number of books and... Continue Reading →

Martial Arts and the Body Politic: A Review in Memory of Denis Gainty

    Denis Gainty. 2013. Martial Arts and the Body Politic in Meiji Japan. London and New York: Routledge. 208 pages. $55 USD. Reviewed by Benjamin N. Judkins.   The passing of Denis Gainty in 2017 robbed the martial arts studies... Continue Reading →

Quanzhou Taizuquan – An Encyclopedia of Southern Kung Fu Culture

Zhou Kun Min. 2017. Quanzhou Taizuquan: The Art of Fujian Emperor First Kung Fu. Tambuli Media. 241 pages. $32.95 USD.     I recently hosted a round table discussion focused on the state of the martial arts publishing industry in... Continue Reading →

A Killing Art

  Introduction Greetings from my short writing sabbatical! There are two subjects that have been on my mind.  The first is Korea as I spent much of the day editing a 15 page conference presentation down to a svelte 7... Continue Reading →

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